Do Clorox Products Contain Bleach? [Full List of Products]

Bleach in Clorox

Household cleaning requires a lot of time, effort, and resources. You would want to make sure you are using the right products that not only help you keep your home clean but also safe.

Cleaning products usually contain several hazardous chemicals and toxins such as bleach. Are you looking for products that do not contain this chemical to avoid its dangerous side effects?

If you are considering Clorox, then join us in exploring if there is bleach in its household cleaning products.

Do Clorox cleaning products contain bleach?

The Clorox Company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Procter & Gamble. Headquartered in Oakland, the Clorox brand is an owner of several household and professional products – including cosmetics, drinking water, health supplements, cleaning, and home care.

In the household cleaning and disinfecting segment, the Clorox product range includes:

  • Wipes
  • Sprays
  • Bathroom
  • Laundry
  • Floors
  • Bleach

Let’s review if these products contain bleach.

  • Wipes – According to the company, its wipes are free of bleach. For disinfecting, the wipes contain other chemicals like alkyl dimethyl ethyl benzyl ammonium chloride and alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride.
  • Sprays – Clorox’s range of sprays includes both bleach and bleach-free versions. The ones without bleach use alkyl dimethyl ethyl benzyl ammonium chloride and ethanol for disinfecting. Variants with bleach are labeled as ‘+Bleach’ on the package.
  • Bathroom – Bathroom cleaning products are also available in bleach and bleach-free versions. Variants that contain bleach are labeled as ‘+Bleach’ on the package. Bleach-free variants have other chemicals like hydrogen peroxide and isopropanol for cleaning and disinfecting.
  • Laundry – Just like other products, laundry detergents, and sanitizers come with and without bleach. The bleach versions have markings on the package. Bleach-free versions use washing soda, table salt, and alkyl dimethyl ethyl benzyl ammonium chloride for cleaning and disinfecting.
  • Floors – For your floors, Clorox has solutions that include stain remover, carpet cleaner, and a disinfecting wet mop. All of these are free of bleach. They use hydrogen peroxide, isopropanol, and other chemicals instead of bleach.
  • Bleach – This line includes bleaching powder, concentrate, surface, and toilet cleaners. The type of bleach used is sodium hypochlorite.

Ingredients in Clorox products

You need different types of products for unique cleaning activities. Consequently, each product comes with exclusive solutions for these specific performances. Let’s briefly recapitulate the ingredients and functionalities of each of Clorox’s cleaning products.


  • Textured wipes aimed at cleaning dirt and stains
  • Also, disinfect and kill bacteria besides providing safety from bacterial growth
  • Are made of wood-pulp fibers
  • Can be used on various surfaces
  • Ingredients include water, isopropanol, alkyl dimethyl ethyl benzyl ammonium chloride, ethoxydiglycol, myristamine oxide, and fragrance


  • Perform cleaning, disinfecting, and deodorizing functions
  • Are fragrant and aerosol-free
  • Can be used on different types of surfaces, at homes, and even for car interiors
  • Ingredients include water, ethanolamine, alkyl dimethyl ethyl benzyl ammonium chloride, myristamine oxide, tetra potassium EDTA, and fragrances


  • Bathroom cleaning products are meant to remove tough stains and bad odor
  • Disinfect and clean bacteria
  • Efficiently clean bio soils
  • Available in spray, wipe, and concentrated forms
  • Ingredients include water, alkyl dimethyl ethyl benzyl ammonium chloride, ethanol, tetra potassium EDTA, lauramine oxide, polyoxyalkylene substituted chromophore, and fragrance


  • Remove dirt, stains, and odor
  • Brighten and sanitize fabrics
  • Available in powder and liquid forms
  • Ingredients include sodium carbonate, sodium sulfate, propylene glycol, sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, sodium metasilicate, kaolin clay, fluorescent brightener, polyvinyl alcohol polymer, titanium dioxide, mannanase enzyme, amylase enzyme, acrylic acid, sodium citrate, and fragrance


  • Help remove stains, dirt, and odor from your floors
  • Are pet-safe
  • Can be used on carpets, furniture, and fabrics too
  • Ingredients include water, hydrogen peroxide, isopropanol, sodium hydroxide, secondary alcohol ethoxylate, and fragrance

What is bleach?

So, what is bleach? Why does it have the reputation of being toxic and harmful?

Bleach is a disinfectant and anti-bacterial chemical. It can also whiten and remove stains from fabrics and surfaces through oxidation. In cleaning products, the bleach that is used is usually chlorine bleach or oxygen bleach. Further, bleach is available in liquid and powder forms.

Chlorine bleach is the most commonly found type. Its fumes can hang on in the air much after cleaning. It affects the lungs and skin – can also aggravate symptoms of allergy and asthma.

Additionally, chlorine bleach is harmful to surfaces and fabrics. The chemical is even dangerous to the environment. Its fumes pollute the air, thereby reducing air quality. Chlorine bleach has also been blamed for the depletion of Earth’s ozone layer. Further, it increases toxicity levels in the oceans and impairs sea life.

Oxygen bleach is another type of bleach – it is milder. It is safe for use on fabrics and surfaces. A combination of hydrogen peroxide and sodium carbonate, oxygen bleach is non-toxic and bio-degradable.

What is the type of bleach in Clorox products?

According to the company’s website, the bleach in their products does not contain chlorine. The bleach they use is derived from sodium chloride – which is in fact sodium hypochlorite. To augment the effects of the active bleach, the company also uses sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide, sodium chlorate, and sodium carbonate. Polyacrylic acid is also used to enhance brightening.

So, is sodium hypochlorite safe? Here is a glance at some of its features –

  • It is greenish-yellow in color and smells like chlorine.
  • It is safer when used in diluted form rather than as a powder. It should always be diluted in water alone.
  • It is a caustic substance that can cause corrosion in human tissue.
  • Great cleaning and disinfecting agent, it appears on the Special Health Hazard Substance list – which means it must be used with care and as directed.
  • When not used properly, sodium hypochlorite can be hazardous. Regular exposure to the chemical, accidental spillage, or ingestion can damage the skin, eyes, and internal organs. Allergic reactions could include rashes, hives, swelling, and fever. Inhalation of fumes could also cause wheezing, breathing difficulties, and hoarseness of voice.

Besides sodium hypochlorite, Clorox uses other alternative cleaning agents and chemicals in its bleach-free variants. Are these actually safer than bleach? Let’s find out.

  • Sodium chloride – Is considered safe by the US FDA. Nevertheless, if you are sensitized, you may develop allergies to the skin and eyes with contact with sodium chloride.
  • Hydrogen peroxide – As per the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, the risks of this chemical are directly proportional to the concentration in which it is used. In higher concentrations and in highly sensitized people, hydrogen peroxide skin allergies are due to skin contact.
  • Alkyl dimethyl ethyl benzyl ammonium chloride – It is known as a highly toxic chemical. Exposure and inhalation can cause skin problems, respiratory issues, and throat swelling.
  • Isopropanol – This is also known to cause skin and respiratory problems with repeated exposure.

The human system is capable of handling only small amounts of chemicals. Increased exposure to any chemical surely will have adverse effects. Therefore, use the Clorox products by following these tips to stay safe –

  • Strictly adhere to the instructions on the product package
  • Use the scoops and nozzles provided with the product to avoid skin contact
  • Use the products only in measures as directed
  • Rinse your hands and legs after using the products
  • Keep the products away from children and pets
  • Store the products away from kitchen and dining areas
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