Does Lemon Remove Skunk Smell?

If you’ve ever smelled skunk, you know how awful it can be. It’s savory and earthy, and there’s no way to eliminate the smell once it has infiltrated your senses. Many claims that lemon juice can work as an amazing deodorizer if you apply it directly to your skin after being sprayed by a skunk.… Continue reading Does Lemon Remove Skunk Smell?

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Does Hand Sanitizer Remove the Cigarette Smell?

One of the biggest annoyances about smoking cigarettes is the smell that lingers on you and your clothes, even after washing them multiple times. Hand sanitizer promises to take care of this problem but does it work? Let’s find out. How cigarette smoke absorbs Cigarette smoke comprises thousands of chemicals, including over 70 known to… Continue reading Does Hand Sanitizer Remove the Cigarette Smell?

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Does Salt Remove Armpit Odor?

If you’re like most people, you have probably looked everywhere to find something that gets rid of that nasty armpit odor. To combat the smell, you’ve tried dryer sheets, deodorant, or even mouthwash in your pits. Unfortunately, none of these seem to work. Read on to find out if Salt can help eliminate that nasty… Continue reading Does Salt Remove Armpit Odor?

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Dry Cleaning To Remove Stains – Our Exhaustive Guide

Despite the suggestive name, dry cleaning does not clean clothing items while they remain dry. In this process, a water-free solvent is used to clean the type of clothes which should not be washed with water and detergent otherwise. It can be quite effective against dirt and pollution, but does it remove stains? That query… Continue reading Dry Cleaning To Remove Stains – Our Exhaustive Guide

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Is Clorox Bleach safe?

Is it spring-cleaning time already? Time to bust open the Clorox Bleach and get your house in order. Are you worried if Clorox Bleach is safe for you and your family?  Rest assured, it is. Used according to the guidelines of the specific Clorox Bleach product you use, there is no possible harm. Unless you… Continue reading Is Clorox Bleach safe?

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