Does Vinegar Get Rid of Mouse Urine Smells?

Mouse urine smell

Vinegar’s use in home remedies can be traced back thousands of years, and it has long been used as a household cleaning product and an ingredient in food. However, vinegar’s scent makes it hard to believe that it might effectively eliminate unpleasant smells around the house, such as mouse urine. Is it true that vinegar can get rid of the smell? This article will examine how to get rid of mouse urine smells using vinegar and its effectiveness in this regard. 

Can you get sick from mouse urine?

There’s no denying that mouse urine smells terrible. The sickness that mouse urine can cause is rare and most often experienced by people with immune system problems. 

It is also possible to get a respiratory infection from the bacteria in mouse droppings. But this is more common in those who work with mice regularly and have been exposed to much of their feces than in those who only come into contact with them once or twice. 

The other possible way to get sick from mouse urine is to put your fingers directly into it or lick it off your hands. Even then, it’s unlikely you’ll get very sick unless you’re already in an unhealthy state. 

If you think about it logically, there are so many things we put our fingers on. Yet, we don’t immediately become ill afterward because they were contaminated.

How do you neutralize the smell of mouse urine?

There are a few different ways that you can go about neutralizing the smell of mouse urine.

One way is to use vinegar. You can either pour it directly on the spot where the urine is or make a mixture of vinegar and water and use that to clean the area. 

Other ways are using bleach (diluted with water), lemon juice, tea tree oil, borax (powdered), or soap mixed with baking soda. 

These options work because they all have strong smells that will overpower the smell of mouse urine. 

The best way is usually to use a combination of these methods. 

  • Mix one cup of borax with one gallon of warm water in a bucket, then soak the affected areas for 15 minutes before scrubbing them clean. 
  • Next, mix one cup each of lemon juice and white vinegar in a spray bottle filled with two cups of water and spritz it over the affected areas. 
  • Leave this solution for 30 minutes before scrubbing off any excess with your hands or a sponge.

What kind of vinegar gets rid of the urine smell?

The kinds of vinegar that eliminate mouse urine are apple cider, white distilled vinegar, malt vinegar, and red wine vinegar. They all have different properties, making the process a little different. 

  • Apple cider vinegar is commonly used because it has an astringent property and can be applied to hardwood floors or carpeted areas with equal effectiveness. 
  • White distilled vinegar also has astringent properties. Still, applying without diluting it can be difficult, as it is much more acidic than other kinds of vinegar. 
  • Malt vinegar is used because it is less acidic than white distilled vinegar but still adequate for removing the odor from carpets or furniture if applied in smaller quantities.

How do mice react to vinegar? Are they attracted to it?

Mice are attracted to the strong smell of vinegar. Mice have a more complicated relationship with vinegar. Because they don’t always like the taste or scent of it when they first encounter it but can eventually get used to its odor over time.

The ways that mice react to vinegar are similar to how people react. Some people like the smell of vinegar, while others do not care much about it. A little vinegar in a recipe adds something exciting and flavorful. 


Our research shows that vinegar may help to some extent in getting rid of mouse urine smells. However, it is essential to note that the success of this method may vary depending on the severity of the smell and how long it has been present. In addition, it is always a good idea to consult a professional if you are unsure how to safely remove mouse urine or any other type of animal waste.

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